Our Mission Statement

We are an all volunteer organization and no one is paid. Our resources are used for those individuals who care directly for the animals.


Our mission is to raise funds to assist with the costs of supplies and repairs to rescue groups, shelters and wildlife rehabilitators that are dedicated to helping injured, abused or abandoned animals.


We also have developed an educational program designed for old and young alike on the responsibilities of pet ownership, including the need to spay and neuter to prevent overpopulation of unwanted animals. We have local veterinarians who offer free or low cost spay and neuter thru H.E.L.P. Animals, Inc. at a reduced fee to the pet owner.


Once a month we host a low cost pet shot clinic to provide affordable vaccinations for anyone who wishes to avail themselves of the service.


Another function in our organization is our work with Service Dogs. We assist with medical expenses if the dog is injured or becomes ill. Often these expenses are a hardship for the owners.  We also offer free rabies vaccinations for these animals.


Any and all services that we arrange for are paid directly to those providing the service. Once the service or job has been completed to our satisfaction and we are billed a check is issued to the provider.


Our civic project we started locally was donating Animal Oxygen Masks to local fire stations to carry on their trucks. The masks were designed specifically for animals for administration of Oxygen to treat the animals who suffer smoke inhalation in fires.


This project has received attention in the media and the manufacturer and distributor of the masks sells them at distributor cost to us and we in turn sell them at the same price we pay to municipalities, other 501C3 organizations or individuals wishing to donate to these organizations in their own communities.


The masks are $55.00 a set of three sizes and we add a $7.00 handling fee per order and pass along the cost of shipping to the purchaser.


There is no government funding and we rely solely on public support to achieve our goals. Any donation is greatly appreciated and will be used for the animals.



 Thank you from the Directors of H.E.L.P. Animals, Inc.


Message Board


H.E.L.P. Animals, Inc.
P.O. Box 740514
Orange City, FL 32774-0514

386-216-6827 or 386-479-9700